Monday, September 26, 2011


We have been making mini wormeries out of old juice bottles.  We got the idea from a Junior Journal we had been reading in class.  We still have a few to make.  Check out some of our photos from last Friday ...not everyone enjoyed swapping the worms from our big wormery to their mini ones!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here are the last 3 calendar photos for viewing!

Here we go Mums!  Here are Sophia's, Lola's and Jacob's calendar art for you to look at.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Storywriter of the Week!

We have been focusing on starting our stories with a great hook entice and encourage our readers to sit up and listen.  Caitlin wrote the most wondereful piece last week.  Do you like her Hook?

Sausages  by Caitlin aged 7  dated 1st September.

Brown and lazy, rocking slowly, shaped like a rotton banana nearly falling off the's a sausage, a fat free yummy looking sausage!

WELL DONE CAITLIN!  You are an amazing author!

Hurdles with Fergus.

Today we moved on to hurdles.  They were tricky ...we had to go slowly at first to get it right.
Don't forget to tell your mums and dads the 5 different ways we actually got to jump over the hurdles.  Can you remember what they were?